Of mice and men

Last year, American footballer Greg Hardy assaulted his girlfriend. Nicole Holder told police he threw her in a bathtub, pulled her out by her hair, dragged her into the bedroom, choked her with both hands and threw her on a couch covered with guns and rifles. As if his actions didn’t speak loud enough, he…

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Men say the darndest things about women’s sport

Foul Play: Edition 5 The FIFA Women’s World Cup has been a cracking tournament and a revelation for many sports fans. It has also been an invitation, apparently, for some pretty base commentary about women’s sporting abilities. On ESPN, for instance, Stephen A. Smith had a theory as to why Germany’s defenders failed to stop a…

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The assault we all saw that never happened

Foul Play: Edition 4 We’ve all seen the footage. First there was the video of the star footballer dragging his fiancee from a casino elevator and dropping her on the carpet like a sack of spuds. Weeks later, we were shown what transpired in the elevator, the thrust of Ray Rice’s fist that rendered Janay…

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Don’t indulge this monster

Foul Play: Edition 3 Mariah Carey had a selfie taken last week. No surprises there. It’s every self-respecting celebrity’s stock in trade. But this one was with a serial abuser of women. Which seems an odd choice for someone who has lived the hell of an abusive relationship. Except, Floyd Mayweather is the world’s highest…

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Golf Digest way out of bounds

Foul Play: Edition 2 The latest Golf Digest features golf pro Lexi Thompson on the cover. Excellent, you think, that’s a shot in the arm for women’s sport. Before you get too excited, take a look. That’s Thompson in the bottom left hand corner, naked from the waist up save for a strategically placed gym…

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When women fight back

Amid all of the leadership tensions last week, the Australian Government made one really excellent decision. It banned Floyd Mayweather from entering the country. The decision came just days after Rosie Batty, of whom domestic violence has extracted an unimaginable toll, was named Australian of the Year. And it followed a petition by Angela Burrows,…

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“I don’t condone violence against women… but…”

“Now look, I don’t condone violence against women…” When someone says those words, it’s a good idea to brace yourself for some idiocy to follow. Because all too often, they don’t stop there. There’s a pause, then a ‘but’, then the insertion of a size 12 foot in an equally large gob. There has been…

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